Geographic Information Systems provide a platform to employ modern search strategies like behavioral profiling, probability theory, terrain interpretation and resource management. CRAWL Produce a basic search map and download / display GPS tracks and waypoints. Using GIS and/or mapping software to create paper map products is key here. Team has at least several members with skills and capabilities equivalent to Field Data Entry Technician. WALK Generate standardized maps for field assignments, incident action plans, situation status updates, and logistics. Create and maintain minimum essential datasets with accurate and up-to-date base layers. Under the direction of a Planning Section Chief or Situation Status Leader, establish the initial planning point, then define the geographic search area, develop specific scenarios regarding the missing subject and track search progress. Team has members with capabilities equivalent to Field Data Technician and GIS Technician. RUN Analyze cell phone data, cross-country mobility, imagery analysis, and integrate live data feeds into common operating platforms. Ability to administrator web portals and cloud solutions for data dissemination and web mapping or create disconnected data collection systems for situation awareness. Team has members with capabilities equivalent to Field Data Entry Technician, GIS Technician, and GIS Analyst or higher. BEGINNER: WILDERNESS SAR TOOLS INTERMEDIATE: WILDERNESS SAR TOOLS ADVANCED: WILDERNESS SAR TOOLS

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