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TOPO! Print SAR Training Land Nav Rev2

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Mulky Gap

Introduction to SAR

To get a feel for the skills that you will need to master, we recommend initially going thru the National Park Service’s Online SAR training (click the image above).  If you like what you see here, then Wilderness SAR might be in your blood.

National Incident Management System (NIMS)

Since SAR teams most often integrate with local officials, they operate under a organizational plan called the National Incident Management System or NIMS for short. All first Responder agencies know this system, and it allows everyone showing up for an incident to be on the same sheet of music.

The training is free, and I recommend you initially take the ICS-100 and ICS-700 courses. Click the image above to access these resources.

Mountain Pathfinder

The Mountain Pathfinder site & Facebook page is run by Jim Greenway. Jim is a NASAR instructor, and has been very active in the Georgia Search & Rescue Community. His site has tons of valuable resources, and we highly recommend that you spend a lot of time learning from his, and others experience, that is shared their.